Top Ten Relationship-Enhancing Exercises for Personal Growth in Group Therapy

Group therapy is useful for communication skills

Navigating challenging situations in relationships, such as dealing with a narcissistic person or establishing boundaries, can be complex. At times, we find ourselves wishing for opportunities to engage with diverse perspectives, including those from individuals with narcissistic traits, reflections of our loved ones, or representatives of different genders. Sometimes, a platform to explore reactions and decision-making in various scenarios is required. We desire the chance to practice and exercise various scenarios before encountering them in real life. Sometimes we may wonder whether it’s defining firm boundaries for some relationships or adopting more flexible / porous boundaries in others. Sometimes, we may feel we need lived experiences for different scenarios of the relationships, but we have not yet experienced such a lived experience. Sometimes we may wish we were able to communicate with different people with different background and upbringings to understand the nature of our relationships with others.  If you share these aspirations, I encourage you to take a moment to read the rest of this article. Within this article, you’ll discover ten distinct exercises and practices that individuals can experience in a group therapy setting. These exercises are designed to provide valuable insights and opportunities for personal growth, fostering enriched relationships along the way. They include: 1. Practicing The Establishment of Clear Boundaries In the dynamic environment of group therapy, individuals with diverse backgrounds and histories find a supportive platform to share their unique perspectives and narratives. This collaborative sharing is delicately navigated with a keen awareness of communication boundaries within the group. Participants are encouraged to articulate their viewpoints and recount personal stories, fostering an environment where the richness of individual experiences contributes to the collective narrative. This process is conducted with a mindful consideration of communication boundaries, ensuring that each member feels respected and secure in the shared space. As members openly discuss their perspectives, they concurrently navigate the reception of feedback from others. This dialogue provides a comprehensive understanding of how individuals experience their own narratives and, crucially, how they incorporate feedback from fellow members. The emphasis on mutual respect within these exchanges ensures that boundaries remain clear, creating a safe and constructive atmosphere for shared exploration and growth. 2. Cultivating Vulnerability and Emotional Intimacy Through Practice Within the confines of this secure environment, individuals are encouraged to embrace vulnerability, creating a unique space where they can openly share their feelings and emotions without the fear of judgment or criticism. This intentional cultivation of vulnerability paves the way for the experience of emotional intimacy among group members. The group becomes a laboratory of sorts, allowing individuals to explore and understand the dynamics of emotional connection. This shared vulnerability serves as a plan for participants to comprehend how such openness can function within diverse relationships involving individuals from varied backgrounds and situations. As members engage in this process, they come to a profound realization of the benefits associated with vulnerability in establishing trustworthy and respectful connections. The group setting serves as a microcosm for understanding the intricacies of emotional intimacy and provides a safe platform to practice and refine these skills. The goal is to promote the idea that embracing vulnerability is not only okay but also beneficial for forming meaningful relationships. Participants are encouraged to carry this newfound awareness beyond the group, applying it to their interactions in the broader context of their lives for more authentic and fulfilling connections. 3. Practicing and Honing communication skills crucial for healthy relationships The cultivation of effective communication skills, including active listening, considering diverse perspectives, and understanding nonverbal cues, is paramount for fostering and sustaining healthy relationships. In the group setting, these skills take on a practical dimension as individuals from varied backgrounds engage with one another, offering a rich mix of experiences. Active listening and genuine attentiveness to each other’s viewpoints become not just theoretical concepts but tangible practices within the group dynamic. For some members, this may be a novel experience, providing them with the opportunity to feel truly heard and validated. Through the application of these communication skills, individuals can learn to navigate the intricacies of interpersonal relationships and contribute to the overall well-being of their social connections. Moreover, the group setting serves as a unique platform for learning about the details of body language. Participants have the chance to understand their own nonverbal cues and how they may be perceived by others. This self-awareness is complemented by the valuable feedback loop within the group, where individuals receive insights into their body language, enabling them to refine and enhance their communication skills further. 4. Nurturing Self-Connection through Practice while Actively Engaging in the Group There are moments when our words, behaviors, and nonverbal cues require interpretation, not only by ourselves but also by keen observers. Within the group dynamic, these instances become opportunities for collective support and understanding. Members often find themselves aiding one another in translating their experiences, emotions, and uncertainties into meaningful insights. It is common for individuals to encounter feelings that might be elusive or concerns that are not immediately apparent in nature. Within the dialogue of a group therapy session, a supportive space is created for members to openly discuss and unravel these aspects of their internal landscape. The group setting becomes a catalyst for self-connection as members articulate and explore their feelings and concerns with the assistance of others who offer diverse perspectives and empathetic insights. In essence, the active engagement in group therapy not only facilitates individual self-awareness but also allows for a shared exploration of the complexities within each member’s emotional landscape. The collaborative effort to translate and understand these tones fosters a deeper sense of self-connection, contributing to the overall growth and well-being of the participants within the therapeutic community. 5. Striving to Become the Best Version of Oneself through Consistent Practice The group therapy journey involves striving to become the best version of who we aspire to be. Within the secure confines of this safe space, there exists a natural encouragement for both intentional and unintentional

Self-Connection as a Remedy for Overcoming Loneliness

Self-connection as a significant factor to overcome loneliness

Self-connection is the initial stride towards overcoming loneliness. When delving into the topic of loneliness, we inherently touch upon interconnected facets of the self, including self-worth, self-intimacy, self-image, self-trust, and self-confidence.

Do you fear the prospect of a breakup?

Do you fear the prospect of a breakup? What are the sources of fears? What are the Benefits of Fear? Fear empowers us.

Have you ever found yourself dreading the possibility of separation, whether through a breakup or divorce? Are you anxious about losing your romantic partner and struggling with these thoughts in your current relationship? If so, it’s important to recognize that such challenging and painful fears are common among human beings. As a clinician, I have witnessed many clients sharing these fears in therapy sessions. Loss can manifest in various ways, whether through the passing of a loved one or the dissolution of a relationship. In both cases, the fear of losing someone is a powerful and universal experience. If you are grappling with the fear of losing someone or the anxiety associated with a potential breakup, I encourage you to continue reading this article for valuable insights and guidance. What are the sources of such fears? When delving into negative emotions we experience in the present, it’s crucial to acknowledge that one significant source is often rooted in our past and upbringing. Consequently, I recommend considering the past as a key contributor to the fear of losing someone. Perhaps you faced rejection or neglect from parents or family members during childhood. It’s even possible that you experienced trauma related to loss in your formative years, carrying those past experiences into your present. Exploring these past narratives can provide insight into the origins of your fear and cover the way for healing and understanding. 2. Your Present Self-Concept Understanding how we perceive ourselves and the narrative we create around our qualities and characteristics is pivotal. It’s essential to identify and articulate our strengths and weaknesses. The more self-awareness we cultivate about our attributes, the less likely we are to succumb to fear. Confidence in ourselves, our ability to navigate situations independently, and the degree of self-reliance play a crucial role. Additionally, assessing the depth of self-love and the unconditional nature of that love is imperative. Addressing these psychological components within our self-concept becomes crucial. By empowering ourselves and cultivating a stronger self-concept, we equip ourselves to confront and manage the fear of losing someone or the anxiety surrounding a potential breakup. 3. Living in Uncertainty In discussions with numerous clients about the fear of breaking up, a recurring theme has been the apprehension towards uncertainty and the unknown that follows a loss or breakup. It’s essential to delve into the intricacies of human nature, recognizing that uncertainty is a fundamental aspect of our existence. Resistance to this inherent uncertainty amplifies the fear of losing someone, making it challenging to process. Rather than resisting uncertainty, embracing and accepting it becomes crucial. Prioritizing self-care, fostering personal growth, and investing in ourselves are paramount. Instead of fixating on an uncertain future, finding solace in present joys and gratitude is advised. Shifting our focus from the future to the present and challenging our thoughts is vital. Acknowledging that many past worst-case scenarios never materialized reinforces the idea that our thoughts don’t always dictate reality. The adage ‘whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ holds significance in navigating uncertainty. When we engage with uncertainty, we inadvertently divert our attention from the present. By embracing a mindset that emphasizes control and focuses on the current moment, we empower ourselves. Additionally, pondering the concept of chaos prompts the question: What is the meaning we assign to chaos? Instead of viewing uncertainty as a disruption, it can be an opportunity to rediscover meaning in our lives amidst the chaos of the world. 4. Some unfair assumptions Take a moment to reflect on whether you might be living with certain assumptions: “It’s better to be with someone than no one”  “Everything is permanent.” “I am not good enough.” “I am the problem.” “People are judging me.” It’s essential to reassess these assumptions and question their validity in your life. Reconnect with yourself and recognize that it’s perfectly acceptable to be alone; being in a relationship doesn’t define your worth. Embrace the reality that impermanence is a part of life, and nobody is perfect—making mistakes is a human experience, not an indication that you are the problem. Consider that people judging others is a common occurrence, but it doesn’t dictate your worth or define who you are. Remember, whatever challenges you face, they won’t defeat you; instead, they have the potential to empower you. What are the Benefits of Fear? As Jack Canfield aptly stated, ‘Everything you want is on the other side of fear.’ The journey to self-improvement and growth often requires confronting and overcoming our fears. To position ourselves on the other side of fear, we must embrace and practice courage. It’s essential to recognize that without fear, the opportunity to exercise courage diminishes. By intentionally engaging in exercises that require courage, we pave the way for personal growth and development. 2. Resilient  Resilient individuals navigate their own circumstances adeptly, mastering their environment and effectively regulating their emotional responses. Consequently, when faced with fear, embracing and confronting it can contribute to cultivating resilience in our lives. This fear-driven resilience not only empowers us but also fosters a sense of inner strength, making us more capable of facing life’s challenges. 3. Motivation  When confronted with fear, it serves as a powerful motivator propelling us to confront the scary situation. Rather than succumbing to fear, it becomes a catalyst for action, prompting us to explore strategies to address and overcome it. This motivation encourages us to assess our capabilities and empowers us to take proactive steps, ultimately fostering personal growth and resilience. In essence, fear, when met with a proactive mindset, becomes a driving force for empowerment and progress. When we lack a sufficient level of fear, it often leads to a lack of significant action in our lives. Striking the right balance in the intensity of our fear is crucial; too much can be overwhelming, while too little might hinder our ability to cultivate motivation. Recognizing fear as a potent motivator and a key element in building resilience and courage is essential. 4. Freedom Aristotle’s insightful words, “he who

Expressing Emotions in Romantic Relationships: Strategies for What, When, and How with Emphasis on Accountability and Transparency

Sharing feelings and emotions with our partner

How courageous are we in expressing our feelings and emotions? How willing are we to confront our fears by sharing what we need to communicate with our partner? Consider a situation where there are aspects of your partner’s behavior that you dislike or areas where you wish for improvement. You might feel the need to discuss and share these feelings with your partner, but you lack the strength and feel powerless to do so. In such instances, how much energy and strength does it require to keep those emotions bottled up inside? At times, being honest with your partner can be a challenging and even painful endeavor. Opening up and letting your partner see and hear your inner voice may be difficult. Yet, it becomes even more challenging when attempting to maintain a constant fear or endure pressure from withholding something you genuinely need to share with them. It’s crucial to embrace vulnerability with our partner and share our negative feelings, setbacks at work, concerns about the future, or lingering issues from the past. However, it’s essential to recognize that, although our partner provides support, they cannot replace the role of a therapist. In my clinical practice, I’ve observed and would like to explore the relevant concerns related to mutual accountability, transparency, and vulnerability of romantic relationships. What we need to share? There are various topics we feel certain about sharing with our partner, while others may leave us uncertain, prompting hesitation. When debating whether to share or not, two crucial criteria come into play: Firstly, consider yourself as a criterion. Ask yourself how you would feel if your partner chose not to share with you a concern or issue similar to the one you currently face and are contemplating sharing. Would you be upset realizing your partner withheld a significant topic that holds importance for you? It’s essential to empathize and put yourself in their shoes. Secondly, regarding the topic you are contemplating sharing, evaluate whether this information will have a positive or negative impact on your relationship with your partner. The degree to which it influences your relationship is a key factor in deciding whether to share it. Consider rating, on a scale from 1 to 10, how much this particular topic affects your relationship. The numerical rating serves as a guide, indicating the importance of sharing based on its impact. Nevertheless, if you find yourself still hesitating to share or not, consider discussing your decision with your therapist for guidance. When is the appropriate time to share?  You can rephrase the question as, ‘What is the best time to communicate with my partner?’ Firstly, ensure that you are prepared to share. Secondly, if your partner is currently in a stressful situation, it may not be the ideal time to discuss significant topics. It’s important to identify a better time, such as when your partner is in a positive or good mood. Remember, we are all human, and it’s normal to have moments when we may not be in the best mood. How we need to share? When deciding to share with your partner, it’s not just a matter of opening up without thought. Consider the way in which you want to express yourself. Employ effective communication skills to convey the intended message. The responsibility for communicating lies with the initiator, who must ensure that the message is conveyed as intended. Seeking confirmation from your partner can help confirm their understanding and ensure you both are on the same page. To enhance communication, utilize strategies such as face-to-face interaction, maintaining eye contact, soliciting feedback, minimizing distractions, practicing patience, fostering self-awareness, checking for understanding, active listening, and interrupting politely when necessary. Incorporating ‘I’ statements and sharing your feelings about a particular topic can also contribute to better communication. It’s crucial to be aware of triggers that may prompt defensiveness in your partner, aiming to avoid using such triggers in your communication. Just a sample dialogue with one of my clients: “Client: I don’t want to tell my partner how tired I am of this relationship because I fear they might react inappropriately. Me: Have you ever been in similar situations before? Is there a history of sharing with your partner that resulted in negative outcomes? The client nodded.” So, I would pose the following therapeutic questions: If you decide to revisit this and choose to share with your partner for the second time, how would you approach the conversation? Have you ever considered exploring different options for communicating with your partner? Finally, sharing your feelings and emotions with your partner makes you a valuable and beneficial, yet vulnerable, partner. However, the challenging path is ultimately rewarding. If you believe you need professional support, don’t hesitate to schedule a virtual or in-person counselling session. This will provide an opportunity to discuss the matter and receive valuable professional support.

Have You Ever Experienced Making Sacrifices in A Romantic Relationship?

Romantic Relationship and Sacrifices

You may have heard that love alone is not enough to sustain a fulfilling and long-lasting romantic partnership. There are various elements that contribute to a satisfying relationship, and one crucial aspect is the willingness to make sacrifices. To begin, self-love is a fundamental foundation for establishing a healthy romantic relationship. That being said, I am now delving into the topic of making sacrifices within such a relationship while still recognizing self-love as a crucial component. In essence, I contend that self-love and making sacrifices are not mutually exclusive in a romantic partnership, a point I will elaborate on in the subsequent sentences of this article. Additionally, empirical research supports the notion that a thriving romantic relationship hinges on partners being willing to make sacrifices for the enhancement of their shared life together. As I, as a clinician, reflect on different clients in my couples counselling and couples therapy sessions, it’s evident that some are willing to make sacrifices to maintain their relationship, while others are not, leading to potential breakups. Some clients express their love for their partner and their desire to preserve the relationship by cherishing their time together. They emphasized the avoidance of pain in their relationship. However, It’s important to acknowledge that every relationship will have both joyful and challenging moments. Embracing this reality is a form of sacrifice in itself. To sustain a healthy romantic relationship, it’s crucial to accept that some moments may be difficult and challenging. A client wisely pointed out, “When we talk about love, we’re talking about being ready to sacrifice.” Another client was willing to endure hardship for the chance to maintain their relationship, recognizing the value it held for them. Therefore, readiness to sacrifice is a fundamental aspect of a romantic relationship. The key lies in understanding how and when to make these sacrifices. Consider the following components: In conclusion, sustaining a happy and enduring romantic relationship often requires a willingness to make sacrifices. It’s challenging to thrive in such a partnership if one or both partners are unwilling to prioritize the well-being of the relationship through sacrifice. If you believe this is a concern specific to you or both you and your partner, don’t hesitate to reach out. This will provide an opportunity to discuss the matter and receive valuable professional support. You can schedule counselling and psychotherapy sessions to take place in person at Park Place in downtown Vancouver, or if you live in the Tri-cities (Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, and Port Moody), you can come to my other office in the Tri-city Business Centre located on Shaughnessy Street. Additionally, you can receive counselling and psychotherapy services online via Telehealth or virtually.


Blogs Eight Reasons Why a Partner Lies in a Romantic Relationship September 3, 2024/ The art of lying is the strongest acknowledgment of the force of truth. … Our belief systems, values, and understanding… Read More Navigating Romantic Relationships with ADHD: Understanding Eight Significant Factors and Building Stronger Connections July 21, 2024/ Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common topic that practitioners often encounter in therapy sessions with individuals and couples.… Read More What is the Secrete of Being Angry? Anxiety or a way to Keep our Power?  June 10, 2024/ Because the lion cannot defend himself against snares and the fox cannot defend himself against wolves. Therefore, it is necessary… Read More The Impact of Trauma on Personality: Three Essential Considerations May 27, 2024/ We all have different dimensions of ourselves, many shaped by trauma. Often, we refer to the outcomes of traumatic events… Read More Five Signs of Jealousy: Shifting the Focus from Self to Others in Relationships April 8, 2024/ Human beings experience a wide range of emotions, both positive and negative, which can significantly influence their actions and behaviors.… Read More Is Embracing Vulnerability Worth It? Five Risks and Five Rewards for Showing Vulnerability March 18, 2024/ Naturally, when deciding to take any action, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons. This includes showing vulnerability, where… Read More Five Key Signs of Trauma in Your Partner: A Guide to Understanding and Support March 4, 2024/ Delve into the profound impact of past traumas on present relationships, echoing Freud’s insights on the lasting influence of the… Read More Exploring the Power of Self-Awareness: Vital Reasons to Deepen Your Understanding February 19, 2024/ Exploring the Power of Self-Awareness: Vital Reasons to Deepen Your Understanding “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” –… Read More Top Seven Challenges in Romantic Relationships Addressed Through Group Therapy January 22, 2024/ Every relationship, especially romantic ones, faces its unique set of challenges. These challenges can either strengthen our bond or lead… Read More Load More End of Content. All Uncategorized Eight Reasons Why a Partner Lies in a Romantic Relationship Uncategorized The art of lying is the strongest acknowledgment of the force of truth. … Our belief systems, values, and understanding… Read Full Story… Navigating Romantic Relationships with ADHD: Understanding Eight Significant Factors and Building Stronger Connections Uncategorized Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common topic that practitioners often encounter in therapy sessions with individuals and couples.… Read Full Story… What is the Secrete of Being Angry? Anxiety or a way to Keep our Power?  Uncategorized Because the lion cannot defend himself against snares and the fox cannot defend himself against wolves. Therefore, it is necessary… Read Full Story… The Impact of Trauma on Personality: Three Essential Considerations Uncategorized We all have different dimensions of ourselves, many shaped by trauma. Often, we refer to the outcomes of traumatic events… Read Full Story… Five Signs of Jealousy: Shifting the Focus from Self to Others in Relationships Uncategorized Human beings experience a wide range of emotions, both positive and negative, which can significantly influence their actions and behaviors.… Read Full Story… Is Embracing Vulnerability Worth It? Five Risks and Five Rewards for Showing Vulnerability Uncategorized Naturally, when deciding to take any action, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons. This includes showing vulnerability, where… Read Full Story… Five Key Signs of Trauma in Your Partner: A Guide to Understanding and Support Uncategorized Delve into the profound impact of past traumas on present relationships, echoing Freud’s insights on the lasting influence of the… Read Full Story… Exploring the Power of Self-Awareness: Vital Reasons to Deepen Your Understanding Uncategorized Exploring the Power of Self-Awareness: Vital Reasons to Deepen Your Understanding “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” –… Read Full Story… Top Seven Challenges in Romantic Relationships Addressed Through Group Therapy Uncategorized Every relationship, especially romantic ones, faces its unique set of challenges. These challenges can either strengthen our bond or lead… Read Full Story… Load More End of Content.

Online Counselling

Online Counselling Through Virtual Telehealth and Online Counselling let’s discuss your personal concerns.  My Story about Online Counselling:  I’d like to share my journey of providing Virtual, Online and Telehealth Counselling to support my clients. I  embraced Virtual Counselling even before the beginning of Covid-19. Over the past decade, I’ve encountered various situations where clients have geographically relocated or found themselves on extended trips yet were eager to continue their therapy sessions. Personally, my own relocations to different cities and countries led me to adapt, ensuring uninterrupted care for my clients. Moreover, I’ve had clients whose professions demanded constant travel, making traditional in-person sessions impractical. Some found greater comfort in virtual sessions, even when they were near my office, now in Vancouver. These tangible experiences have reinforced my commitment to maintaining a professional and supportive therapy relationship with my counselling clients, whether through  online counselling sessions or over the phone. While the pandemic has highlighted the value of online and virtual counselling, it’s crucial to acknowledge that there are myriad reasons why individuals seek emotional support from a therapist and clinical counsellor beyond the scope of Covid-19.   Good to Know About Online Counselling:  If you’re located anywhere in the Province of British Columbia, or even in other parts of Canada, and find it challenging to attend in-person counselling sessions here in Vancouver, there’s no need to worry. You can receive mental health support through Online Counselling, Virtual Counselling, Telehealth Counselling, eliminating the need for physical attendance at my Vancouver office. All you require is your own device, a reliable internet connection, and a comfortable space to sit and talk. This space could be your private room, your office, your home, or any other location that offers privacy and convenience for you. “Despite Kalantar Counselling’s physical location in downtown Vancouver, the power of the Internet has brought us together, allowing us to connect and receive the support and assistance we need.”   Are Online/Virtual/Telehealth Counselling Sessions Covered by Insurance Companies? Kalantar Counselling is pleased to remind you that many insurance companies provide reimbursement for your online and virtual counselling sessions, which include Individual Counselling, Couples Counselling, Family counselling, and Group Counselling. Simply reach out to them for confirmation and peace of mind. What is the meaning of Online Counselling? Teletherapy, also known as Online therapy, E-therapy, E-counselling, or Cyber-Counselling, provides mental health services and support to a wide range of populations. Online, Telehealth, and Virtual Counselling eliminates the need for travel, making it more convenient to schedule between other commitments. It also offers the convenience of accessing support with just a click of a button. This mode of counselling extends mental health services to both urban and rural or remote areas. People in rural areas who may lack suitable transportation, as well as those in busy urban centers with heavy traffic, find this especially beneficial. Online counselling, like traditional in-person counseling, is a mental health service conducted through online platforms such as mobile apps and video conferencing. Platforms like Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, among others, facilitate virtual conversations What types of Counselling Services are available through online / virtual counselling? I’m pleased to inform you that I offer a range of Online / Virtual / Telehealth Counselling services, including Individual Counselling, Couples Counselling, Family Counselling, and even Group Counselling and Group Therapy. This versatility makes Virtual and Online / Telehealth Counselling an excellent option for those seeking various types of mental health support. At Kalantar Counselling, we’re dedicated to helping with a wide array of mental health concerns, including but not limited to anger Management Counselling, Anxiety Counselling, stress Counselling, Depression Counselling, Relationship Issues Counselling, ADHD Counselling, and more. To take the next significant step towards receiving counselling and mental health support, you can click here to view available time slots. When opting for Online / Virtual Counselling sessions, please ensure you have a stable internet connection, a suitable device, and a private space to facilitate open and honest communication, allowing you to listen to your inner voice, feelings, and emotions effectively. If you believe that, for any reason(s), Online / Virtual Counselling and Therapy sessions would be more convenient for you, please don’t hesitate to click here and schedule your virtual sessions with me. Let’s give it a try and see if it proves as effective for you as it has for many of my clients, even before the onset of Covid-19.   Book a Virtual Appointment

ADHD Counselling

ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental health disorder that affects individuals of all ages. It is a mental health disorder that impacts individuals of all ages. Characterized by difficulties in attention, focus, impulsive behavior, hyperactivity, forgetfulness, and organization, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, presents challenges in maintaining relationships, academic or professional success, and everyday tasks. These symptoms can contribute to lower self-esteem and high anxiety. How May It Impact on Us? It can manifest in various impactful ways for individuals. Challenges at work, school, potential strain on relationships are some instances. It’s imperative to recognize the substantial role that it can play in shaping someone’s life, profoundly affecting their self-assurance and mental health. Engaging in individual counselling and consultation presents an effective avenue for managing the complexities of it. This approach facilitates the development of more adaptive strategies to navigate daily obstacles and frustrations. Through counselling, individuals can uncover underlying behavioral and cognitive patterns, thereby fostering the discovery of novel approaches to address ADHD-related issues and prioritize holistic well-being. Collaborating with a skilled counsellor and mental health provider empowers those with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to acquire fresh coping mechanisms and bolster self-assuredness. This transformation can lead to enhanced academic and professional achievements, fortified relationships, and an elevated sense of life contentment. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a common condition among children and adults alike, often described by: How can I help my clients with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? As a clinical counsellor, I am committed to helping individuals with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. To effectively assist my clients, I utilize an integrated approach to psychotherapy that combines various techniques and strategies to manage the symptoms associated with it. Some of the ways in which I can help clients with it include: Through counselling, our collaborative efforts will culminate in crafting a personalized action plan, uniquely tailored to enhance the quality of life for my clients. By concentrating on short-term objectives and devising tactics to navigate common symptoms—such as anger, anxiety, and demotivation—we can pave the way for achievement in the face of everyday trials. An integrated counselling approach for such a problem has many benefits. It looks at all aspects of a client’s needs, which is important. It helps the counsellor to understand the client appropriately. I am here to help and support my clients to manage their ADHD symptoms well.

Group Counselling

Group Counselling Let’s collaborate and join your peers in group counseling; together, we as a clinical counselling clinic can support both your peers and yourself. Let’s Experience emotional support by participating in group therapy, allowing for shared experiences and feeling heard. In a group therapy and Counselling gain valuable insights and develop coping strategies collectively, providing a sense of relief. With a decade of experience in conducting group therapy and counselling sessions, let us be your trusted facilitator. What is Group Counselling? Group counselling including in person and online / Virtual, is a form of therapy that involves several people, typically between 4-10 individuals, meeting weekly in a group setting under the supervision of an experienced group therapist. It is an effective way to explore group dynamics and understand different perspectives. This kind of therapy allows group members to develop relationships within the group that are not only beneficial for themselves but can also be utilized in understanding how to build lasting and effective relationships throughout life. In group counselling, individuals have the opportunity for self-reflection in a safe and open space, allowing them to gain insight into their own lives and goals. Participants can build an effective relationship with their peers, while also providing support and guidance within a therapeutic setting. Group counselling offers individuals the opportunity to learn from each other and recognize that they are not facing difficulties alone. Group members benefit from the experience of group members with various backgrounds and life experiences who can help them develop understanding in a safe, confidential, and supportive group environment. Through group activities, group therapy sessions provide group members with problem-solving skills, education on common issues, and improved self-esteem as they learn how to work through personal struggles together. How Does Group Therapy & Counselling Work? Group counselling, including in person and online / Virtual,  is a therapeutic environment where individuals can come together to discuss their concerns and build relationships. It can be incredibly beneficial because it provides an inspiring atmosphere where group members can receive support from one another while sharing similar experiences. Group counselling is led by a group leader who takes the group through a series of activities and discussion topics to gain insight into various relationships, emotions, and behaviours. Through group sessions, participants have the opportunity to reflect on key points that matter most to them and learn new ways of problem-solving. Group counselling offers hope in helping individuals heal, grow, and progress towards a positive lifestyle change. With group counselling, participants benefit from hearing experiences shared by one another, guided by a group leader, and through group discussions, activities and strategies, gaining new insights into their struggles. Within a safe and supportive space, group members can learn how to cope with difficult relationships or situations. All group members can benefit by having their feelings heard and finding common ground in experiences shared among groupmates. Participants can feel supported knowing that they are not alone in their circumstances. How You Benefit from Group Therapy and Group Counselling? Group counselling including in person and online, is a powerful way to connect with others, receive support, and gain insight into similar experiences. It is an opportunity for group members to provide feedback on each other’s journey and offer suggestions on how to integrate positivity into their lives. Group therapy can promote self-care, self-reflection, and provide a safe space for individuals to open up. Through group counselling, participants can become more aware of how their behaviour affects others, leading to tangible changes towards personal growth and healing. Ultimately, group therapy can assist members in developing healthier relationships with themselves, and give them the tools to continue the healing process beyond group sessions. Group counselling can significantly improve an individual’s personal well-being and outlook. It is a supportive and safe environment that encourages positivity, growth, and building confidence and self-esteem. Group members can benefit from hearing advice and support from others, discovering resources, expressing difficult emotions, and learning tools for improving wellness. Different types of group therapy exist, which vary based on different criteria such as the topic, goals, issues, the duration, open or closed format, and the type of therapy utilized. Examples of group therapy include psychodynamic group therapy, supportive group therapy, educational group therapy, skill-based group therapy, and narrative group therapy. In summary, group counselling is a powerful therapeutic tool that provides individuals with a safe and supportive environment to discuss and work through their struggles. Group therapy can offer individuals the opportunity to receive support, share experiences, discover resources, and develop skills to improve their overall well-being. For Years Kalantar Counselling Has Facilitated Group Therapy For People Who: Want to work on themselves in a group Believe relationship matters Acknowledge a team is the great place to enrich “Self” Are looking to experience increasing self-esteem, self-confidence, self-improvement in a group Feel loneliness and meaningless Want to get rid of social phobia and social anxiety Are Looking for positive and effective relationship Need to improve communication skills Want to connect to human beings Looking for a safe place to voice their inner voice Want to get healthy feedback with no judgment Want to be more optimistic rather than pessimistic Want to be make new goals in their life Want to talk in a safe place with dependable people Feeling better about yourself Self-awareness   Healing Relationships Group Therapy: Emphasizes the Vitality of Confidentiality Functions as an Open Group Demonstrates a Strong Commitment to Group Dynamics and Interactions Believes in the Healing Power of relationships  Offers Flexibility  Register for “Healing Relationships” Group Therapy. We are currently welcoming new members to join our group therapy sessions held every other week, each lasting 90 minutes. The cost of each session is $50. Please choose the time/day that suits you best from the following options: 1. Sundays, at 6:00 PM, Pacific Time (PT), Virtually, Click here to register. 2. Mondays, at 7:00 PM, Pacific Time (PT), Virtually, Click here to register. 3. Wednesdays, at 11:00 AM, Pacific Time (PT),

Individual Counselling

Individual counselling One by one and face to face let’s talk about your personal concern(s) It’s possible for a person to experience difficulties and struggle with overwhelming feelings such as depression, sadness, or other negative emotions. They may also have a negative self-image or feel dissatisfied with their current situation. In such cases, it may be helpful for the person to explore their strengths and limitations, seek help to deal with a specific incident or loss, or find ways to cope with their circumstances.   Some individuals may even be seeking to make a significant change in their life or environment. In all these situations, it can be beneficial for the person to speak with a professional to discuss their issues and receive guidance and support. Individual counseling sessions can be helpful for individuals experiencing a range of potential problems, including: Anger management issues Anxiety, phobias, and stress Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Bipolar disorder Depression Emotional regulation difficulties Grief Building resilience Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Personality issues Self-improvement, self-esteem, and self-confidence Sleep difficulties Trauma   These are just some of the issues that can be addressed through individual counseling, and seeking professional help can provide individuals with the support, guidance, and tools they need to manage their difficulties and improve their overall well-being.   2SLGBTQ+ At 2SLGBTQ+ Psychotherapy, I specialize in individual counseling to support clients who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer/questioning, and other related identities. Regardless of your culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity, you will be welcomed with open arms in a safe and inclusive space. Whether you are struggling to understand your own identity or facing challenges related to being a part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community, I am here to provide the support and guidance you need to take control of your life. My approach to counseling is non-judgmental and unbiased, and I am committed to creating a safe and respectful space for you to express yourself freely. Together, we can work through any problems or challenges that you may be facing, so you can feel empowered and equipped to navigate life’s ups and downs. How can I help my clients in individual counselling sessions? Psychotherapy, also known as individual counseling, is a journey of self-discovery and understanding. As a therapist, I see myself as a navigational passenger in my clients’ journey of healing. Regardless of age, cultural background, occupation, sexual orientation, or gender identity, every person deserves to be treated with respect and compassion throughout their therapeutic process. My goal as a therapist is to support each person in reaching their potential and overcoming barriers to living the life they want, under their own navigational direction. Based on the nature of the problem(s), I utilize my professional competency and integrated approach to assist my clients. I am here to help you explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors through: Unbiased supportive listening Unconditional positive regard Non-judgmental communication   Together, we will set therapeutic goals, and you will receive the help you need to feel better about yourself and/or your situations and conditions. Throughout the therapeutic process, you will find your best solutions for the issue and develop the necessary strategies and coping techniques to help you succeed. My approach is centered on providing a safe and supportive environment for you to express yourself freely and without judgment. Whether you are facing challenges related to your mental health, relationships, career, or personal growth, I am committed to helping you navigate your journey towards healing and growth. Book an appointment